Thursday 31 March 2016

Craig Markham - Knowing how to defend yourself

Self-defense courses often provide a wealth of benefits to students. Craig Markham is a self-defense instructor in Kitchener, Ontario who has a long history in law enforcement. Markham enjoys teaching others the importance of self-defense and knows firsthand how beneficial a knowledge of self-defense can be. 
Craig Markham 

Courses in self-defense provide students with the knowledge to become more aware of their surroundings. Knowing they are prepared in emergency situations can also lead to more confidence and the security of not feeling helpless in emergency situations. Often times these students also feel more capable and empowered to handle everyday situations that might often frighten them or lead them to depend on strangers for their wellbeing, like in the case of a broken down vehicle or walking alone in an unfamiliar area. Participants in self-defense benefit from now having options when they find themselves in precarious situations. 

Many classes are geared specifically toward women in order to counter sexual assaults. Research on the subject has shown that women who resisted in these situations, either by physically responding to their attackers or screaming, or more likely to escape with their assailants efforts being unsuccessful. Empowering women in these situations helps to lower the number of attacks and give women response options when attacked to ward off their assailants. 

Craig Markham has seen first-hand the need for self-defense courses when working in law enforcement and currently works to meet those needs as an instructor. Teaching others to be mindful of their surroundings and learn how to react during an assault can often mean the difference between life and death.