Monday 11 July 2016

Craig Markham - A Commitment to Excellence

When you become a middle-aged person, you invariably start to take stock of the things that you have achieved throughout your personal and professional life. It can be hard to have the foresight to envision this period of your life when you are making decisions as a young adult. Some rare individuals do have this type of maturity, and Craig Markham was one of them. Early on, he decided to commit himself to excellence, and as a result, he won't be forced to look back someday with a lot of regrets. He decided to make the most of his natural abilities both mentally and physically, and he has taken all the right steps to actualize his true personal potential. This is something that everyone should do, but it takes some inspiration to do it. You can find this inspiration if you take a look at the path that this man has taken.

Craig Markham had a passion for policing, community safety, and corrections, and he did the research to find out how he could realize his career goals. He understood the value of an educational underpinning, so he obtained a Law Enforcement and Investigations Certificate from Conestoga College in Kitchener, Ontario, but he didn't stop there. He was subsequently accepted into the Ontario Correctional Services College, where he graduated with honors. To build on this strong foundation, he went on to achieve a near perfect grade point average at the Ontario Police College. Once again, he graduated with honors.  When you combine all of these educational achievements, you can see a clear commitment to excellence.

From a physical standpoint, he has always driven himself to the maximum. He is a martial arts expert and a judo instructor, and he has an intense interest in many different sports, and in physical fitness in general. To be in the best possible shape, you have to display the self-discipline to do what many people simply will not. This says a lot about the makeup of an individual.

Professionally, Craig Markham has been willing to take on any challenge that has been presented before him. His law enforcement career experience spans some 11 years, and he accumulated a laundry list of accomplishments over that time. He climbed the career ladder, and he has continually built on his vast law enforcement expertise. His superiors recognized his rare capabilities and strong leadership skills, and he was asked to become a training officer. He accepted this challenge, and he utilized his innate ability to inspire and communicate to pass his knowledge along to less experienced officers.

Everyone is not going to take the same career path. However, if you recognize your own strengths and make a true commitment to excellence, you won't look back at your life someday wondering “what if.”