Monday 18 July 2016

Craig Markham - The Importance of Physical Fitness

We live during an era when many people live largely sedentary lives, even children. The importance of physical fitness is often overlooked, but Craig Markham does everything possible to set a good example and raise fitness awareness. First of all, no one is going to take you seriously if you talk about the value of physical fitness as a person who is out of shape. Your own condition is going to be the most important factor, and Craig Markham sets the right example on this score. As a big-time sports enthusiast, martial arts expert, and judo instructor, he “walks the walk,” and people can't help but take notice.

                                     Craig Markham 

When you are physically fit, you feel good about yourself, you project an attractive persona, and you are probably going to mitigate potential health problems. However, being in shape is also a valuable career asset. You are calmer, more alert, and more confident when you are committed to a healthy exercise and diet regimen. Your energy levels will increase, so you will be able to get more done on the job. On a subtle level, you will naturally exude an unmistakable aura of personal control that whispers the word “competence.”

Many people say that they “don't have time” to exercise, and many of the same people don't put a lot of thought into the things that they eat. In reality, when you look around, you will probably come to the realization that people who are physically fit tend to be more successful than their unhealthy counterparts. Craig Markham has reached this conclusion, and you should too.